As consumer appetite for connectivity grows, we need a smart, balanced approach to spectrum management so technologies like Wi-Fi and other wireless innovations can run efficiently.
America’s communications networks form the backbone of daily life, supporting everything from public safety to healthcare and economic activity. Yet, a wave of...
The important debate over how to best manage the nation’s wireless spectrum to support future commercial and governmental operations has significant...
Whether through documentaries, special broadcasts, or curated content hubs, cable TV continues to provide audiences with meaningful ways to engage with Black...
Through building, operating, and expanding powerful broadband networks coast to coast, cable ISPs are an important economic engine for the United States...
As America targets efforts towards connecting every community to robust broadband – including the distribution of more than $40 billion in federal funds for...
Late last week, NCTA President & CEO Michael Powell testified before the House Energy & Commerce Committee, along with other industry leaders, to discuss the...
While the prices of many goods and services have risen, the price of broadband has remained stable and affordable, delivering a great value to consumers.